Sciences and Environments
Dernière mise à jour :
Created in 2007, the Doctoral School of Sciences and Environments provides training in Earth and space sciences, ecology, the environment, archaeology, philosophy and the history of science.
research units
PhD specialisations
PhD students
Defenses per year
The lecturer-researchers at the Doctoral School of Sciences and Environments conduct research in many fields related to Earth and space sciences in a dynamic, interdisciplinary environment. The doctoral school provides its PhD students with extensive supervision and guidance, supporting and boosting the initiatives they take during their PhD.
PhD specialisations
- Biological anthropology
- Specialisation supervisor: Jean-Bernard Huchet
- Biogeochemistry and ecosystems science
- Specialisation supervisor: Benoît Sautour
- Evolutionary, functional and community ecology
- Specialisation supervisor: Marie-Lise Benot
- Epistemology and history of science
- Specialisation supervisor: Pascal Duris
- Geochemistry and ecotoxicology
- Specialisation supervisor: Jörg Schäfer
- Environmental physics
- Specialisation supervisor: Jérôme Ogée
- Prehistory
- Specialisation supervisor: Jacques Jaubert
- Sedimentary geology, palaeoceanography and climatology
- Specialisation supervisor: Xavier Crosta
- Agricultural and forestry science
- Specialisation supervisor: Frédéric Danjon
Would you like to apply to our doctoral school?
Find out about the conditions and procedures for admission to our doctoral school.
Research units
- EPOC - Environnements et Paléoenvironnements Océaniques et Continentaux
- ISPA - Soil-Plant Atmosphere Interactions
- EABX - Aquatic ecosystems and global change
- BIOGECO - Biodiversité, Gènes & Communautés
- SAVE - Santé et Agroécologie du VignoblE
- PACEA - De la Préhistoire à l'Actuel : Culture, Environnement et Anthropologie
- SPH - Sciences, Philosophie, Humanités
Would you like to get to know your fellow PhD students? Contact graduates in your field? View upcoming defenses?
Click here to view all the directories.
Or click here to view all upcoming defenses.
- The Doctoral School's Internal Regulations
- The Doctoral School's Statutes & Regulations
- Composition of the Doctoral School's Committee
- Rights and Representatives
Already enrolled in a PhD?
- Looking for the training courses provided by your doctoral school? Visit this page, and learn more about the training reference system here.
- For more details on how the thesis committee is set up in your doctoral school, click here.
- Interested in applying for a place in the first year of a PhD program? Click here.
- Would you like to re-enroll? Click here for further details.
- To prepare your defense, view the relevant pages beforehand.
Brigitte BORDES
Administrative officer
+33 (0)5 40 00 33 01
How to find us:
University of Bordeaux
Campus Bordes - Bldg. B5 Office 112
Building B5 - Office 112 CS 50023
Allée Geoffroy St Hilaire 33615 PESSAC
(Tram B - François Bordes stop)