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Training for thesis supervisors

Dernière mise à jour :

A compulsory supervisor training course has been organised by the Graduate Research School since 2018 for people applying for the HDR or ADT.

Course objectives

The course provided by the University of Bordeaux for future thesis supervisors aims to help you:

  • develop a vision of supervision that takes into account the practices in different scientific fields, the profile of PhD students and the doctoral schools' expectations
  • become familiar with the recommendations of official texts
  • understand the status of doctorant contractuel, a PhD student employed by the university
  • learn how to recruit new associates
  • identify the key stages of the doctoral journey in terms of stress management and factors of motivation to create an effective working relationship between supervisor and PhD student
  • use tools and techniques to establish a relationship of trust and better support each PhD student in their studies and professional goals
  • adapt to every situation and to each PhD student while respecting your own requirements and expectations as a supervisor


All those who have applied for the HDR or ADT and have received a favourable opinion from their doctoral school must attend this course for their application to be sent to the Academic Council for assessment.

To enable supervisors to schedule their work around their HDR defense or their new supervisory role, 3 sessions are organised per year: February, June and November.

These in-person training sessions take place in the following format:

  • 1/2 day for all participants on PhDs at the University of Bordeaux
  • 1 day in groups on thematic topics

Once the doctoral schools have transferred applications with favourable opinions, the applicants are directly informed by e-mail of the online enrollment process as soon as the sessions open.

The files of applicants who completed the course are submitted to the Academic Council during the session that follows the course for authorisation.

Documents to download


  • Nathalie AUGOYARD

    Head of Admissions

    +33 (0)5 40 00 38 97


  • Stéphanie DANAUX

    Head of Training Office

    +33 (0)5 40 00 27 78
