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Finalising your application: enrolling

Ready to finalise your enrollment in a PhD? In this section, you will find all the information you need to complete your application to the University of Bordeaux. You can refer back to the previous sections to make sure that you have completed the other steps of the enrollment process.

Registration fees

  • 2024-2025 registration fees: €391
  • Student Life and Campus Contribution (Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus, CVEC): €103. This contribution is collected by the CROUS and it is compulsory for your enrollment in the university

For more information about the CVEC and how it is used, see the 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 reports on actions financed by the CVEC at the University of Bordeaux.

Find out about special exemptions from registration fees and/or the CVEC on the dedicated page.

International cotutelle doctoral program: if your contract - duly signed by all parties concerned - stipulates that you must pay the registration fees of the partner university for the year in question, you are exempt from paying registration fees and the CVEC to the University of Bordeaux.

enrolling in your 1st year of doctoral studies

Enrolling in a PhD is a two-step process: academic enrollment with the doctoral school and administrative enrollment with the Admissions Office.


Academic year 2024-2025: enrollments will open from

- the 3rd to the 19th of July

- the 26th of August to the 11th of October

Information.pngIf you have a PhD position with the University of Bordeaux, you must enroll as early as possible so that you can sign your employment contract and receive your wages.

Information.pngSpecific cases where enrollment is possible throughout the academic year (expect when the university is closed in December and June):

  • If you receive funding for your PhD,
  • If you have a cotutelle contract.


You must meet all the prerequisites before following the steps below.

Step 1: Creating your ADUM account

This account is on a unique portal dedicated to your entire doctoral environment. It is a secure website.

Click here to create or access your ADUM account

Important: All fields must be filled in before the application process can be finalised.

Once your enrollment has been finalised, you will receive an e-mail from the doctoral school informing you of the next steps.

Step 2: Applying to the doctoral school

It is your responsibility to submit your academic record with all the required documents in accordance with your doctoral school's procedures (either via ADUM or directly to the doctoral school).

Please note that certificates of achievement and diplomas must be translated by a sworn translator into French to be accepted.

The Doctoral Charter and the Individual Training Agreement must be signed by the research unit director and your thesis supervisor before being sent to the doctoral school.

Once your application has been submitted and assessed by the doctoral school, you will receive authorisation to enroll with instructions on how to proceed to the next step. Once you have received this e-mail, you must wait until the following day to begin the online administrative enrollment process.

Step 3: Paying the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC)

Payment of this fee is compulsory.

You must go to the CVEC government website to pay the fee and get proof of payment. The reference number of this proof of payment will be required to continue your enrollment.

Click here for information about who is exempt from paying the CVEC.


Step 4: Finalising your enrollment

You must finalise the procedure following the steps below:

  • Check the information provided and pay the registration fees via this link.

Payment in 3 installments is possible up to mid-October each year. Payment should be made once you have checked the information provided.

Information.pngPlease note: if you were previously enrolled at the University of Bordeaux, you must use this link to enroll and provide your old student number.

  • You must submit the required documentation online.

Once these steps have been completed and verified by the Admissions Office, you will receive an e-mail confirming your enrollment.

Step 5: Certificate of enrollment and student card

You can download your certificate of enrollment via ADUM (in French and in English), under "Administrative documents" / "Education" and via the ENT (in French only), under "My studies" / "My administrative file".

If you have never been enrolled at the University of Bordeaux, you will need to request your European student card from your doctoral school.

If you were previously enrolled at the University of Bordeaux, your initial student card is still valid. You will only need to request a new sticker from your doctoral school.


If you were previously enrolled at the University of Bordeaux but no longer have your student card, please follow these steps to request a new card before coming to the Admissions Office.

You will be charged €10 for a new card, except in the following cases:

  • if the card is not working properly
  • if the card was stolen and you have filed a complaint (you must provide proof to the Admissions Office) 


Social Security

French PhD students: if you are employed, you must register with the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie or Primary Health Insurance Fund).
For more information based on your status, visit the health insurance website.

International PhD students: contact the Welcome Centre for International Researchers (BACI) at the following address: accueil.chercheurs@u-bordeaux.fr

Civil liability

It is strongly recommended that you take out additional personal insurance including civil liability which will cover any damage you may cause to others.
It is your responsibility to take out an insurance policy with the insurance company of your choice.

Protection of personal data

In accordance with the "GDPR" (General Data Protection Regulation: EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016), you have the right to access and rectify your personal data.

Click on the following link for more information about data protection at the University of Bordeaux: GDPR




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