Discover practical information addressing numerous frequently-asked questions. Our FAQ section has been compiled in collaboration with the PhD student representatives.
Contract and salary at the University of Bordeaux
All the information about University employment is available on your ENT.
1. Who do I contact for a question about my recruitment?
- For any inquiries regarding your recruitment, you can contact rh.finances.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
2. When should I sign my contract?
- You should sign your contract after completing your full enrollment in the doctorate and presenting your school certificate.
3. Who do I contact to sign my contract?
- Contact the Human Resources Department. The HR administrator assigned after the finalization of your administrative enrollment will be your single point of contact.
4. Who do I contact if I have a question about my employment contract with the University of Bordeaux after I sign it?
- For all individual questions related to your professional situation, such as salary, contract amendment, change of bank account details, change of address, etc., you can contact your HR administrator in the Human Resources and Social Development (RHDS) pole.
- If you are a contract doctoral student or a doctoral researcher on a fixed-term contract, please reach out to your dedicated HR administrative officer in the administration office for contract research staff. This officer is assigned based on the structure to which you belong (department and research unit).
5. I am an employee of the University of Bordeaux, I can no longer find the contact details of my HR administrative.
- To find the contact information of your HR manager, you can visit the "find your HR manager" section on the intranet via ENT. This will give you access to the identity sheet of the HR department corresponding to your administrative situation as a doctoral student employed by the University of Bordeaux.
6. Do I have a "doctoral contract" status or a fixed-term contract?
- The doctoral contract is a type of fixed-term contract specifically intended for doctoral students (Decree n°2009-464 modified by Decree n°2016-1173).
- It is an opportunity to fund the doctorate and is concluded for a period of 3 years, except for extensions granted on an exceptional basis. Doctoral students under a doctoral contract have a dual status: that of a student and that of a contractual civil service employee. As such, they are subject to the same rights and obligations as any public employee regarding their employer. The difference lies in the duration of the fixed-term contract for research and research assistance missions (1 year renewable).
7. I have an employment contract with the University of Bordeaux or with my employer. When will I be paid?
- The date of the signature of your employment contract and the establishment's payroll calendar determine the date of payment of your salary. At a minimum, a deposit is always paid in the first month and regularized the following month. The payment terms are specified by your HR administrator when you sign your employment contract.
8. What are the steps to prepare a business trip?
- All travel outside your institution (France and abroad) must be the subject of a mission order. Depending on your status, you must obtain prior approval from your management (college, department, training unit, CFA, delocalized site, doctoral schools, schools, and institutes) from the FSD if necessary.
- Contact the administrative officer of the research unit to which you are attached or the HR officer of your employer, if applicable. If you are participating in a cotutelle doctoral program, note that the cotutelle contract does not replace the mission order.
All the information about collecting your diploma is available on the dedicated page of our website.
1. When are the PhD diplomas issued?
- PhD diplomas are issued twice a year, contingent upon receiving the original official documents of the defense and after the final submission of your thesis:
- End of October for defenses from January to August of the current year
- End of February for defenses from September to December of the previous year
2. How do I collect my diploma?
- The information will be automatically communicated to you. The diploma is presented on the day of the university's annual PhD Graduation Ceremony. While it is not possible to send a diploma by mail, various options are available for collection.
3. How do I obtain my certificate of achievement?
- Following the final deposit of your manuscript at the university library, a digital version of the certificate can be sent upon request to your defense administrative. The original can be obtained directly from your defense administrative at the admissions office or on the day of the annual PhD Graduation Ceremony.
4. Who can collect a diploma (or certificate of achievement)?
- You can delegate someone to collect the diploma on your behalf. For more information, refer to the university's page on diploma collection.
5. I can no longer find my diploma?
- In case of loss, destruction (e.g., flood, fire, theft), you can request a duplicate from the admissions office at inscriptiondoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr. All requests must be submitted via the dedicated form by mail or email. A duplicate will be sent following the same procedure as for sending a diploma.
6. I wish to change my civil status on my diploma.
- You must provide proof of this change for the issuance of a duplicate, along with the dedicated form. The original diploma must be returned to the admissions office beforehand.
7. I would like my common name to be mentioned on the diploma.
- The birth name remains mandatory on the diploma, but upon request, the common name can be added.
8. What should I do if I notice an error on my diploma?
- Contact the Graduate Research School (inscriptiondoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr) or your defense administrative via email to report errors. The original diploma must be returned to the admissions office beforehand. Once the request is processed, the diploma will be reissued, and you will be notified by email.
9. I wrote and/or defended my thesis in English; can I have a certificate of achievement in English?
- The University of Bordeaux cannot issue a certificate of achievement in English, as it is an official French national document. However, if future employers require an English certificate, a certification (email) of your defense in English can be provided upon request to your defense administrative.
10. I wrote and/or defended my thesis in English; can I have a diploma published or translated into English?
- It is impossible for the university to issue a diploma in English because it is an official French national document issued by the Government in France.
Enroll & Re-enroll for a PhD
Find all the information regarding your PhD applications on the dedicated page of our website. If you are re-enrolling, the "How to enroll each year" page can guide you through the important steps of the process.
1. What is the purpose of ADUM?
- The Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé (ADUM) is a comprehensive management and communication tool, serving as a collaborative platform and an online community. ADUM centralizes all administrative procedures related to your doctoral program, including enrollment, training, and defense.
2. How to apply for a PhD at the University of Bordeaux?
- Visit the website to follow the specific admission procedure of the doctoral school in your field.
3. How to find a thesis supervisor?
4. I am a foreign PhD student at the University of Bordeaux. Who can help me with procedures for coming to France?
- The Welcome Centre for International Researchers assists international students, especially doctoral and post-doctoral students, with entry and residence procedures in France.
- Student Life Centres on your campus (BVE) will also aid you in your search for accommodation and practical matters.
5. When do PhD enrollments begin?
- Administrative enrollments (after admission to a doctoral school) are open from July to October's end, except for special cases in the first year of PhD (cotutelle programs, specific funding like Cifre, ANR, ERC, etc.). Check the enrollment calendar on the website.
6. What is a PhD admission or an administrative enrollment?
- Admission is granted by the doctoral school, verifying your skills to start research. It precedes administrative enrollment, which includes online payment of fees and obtaining your school certificate.
7. What is a Graduate Program?
- A Graduate Program combines Master's and PhD components, offering a post-Bachelor's program focused on scientific research. It provides thematic training, seminars, and support for international mobility.
8. Do I have to enroll or apply to join a Graduate Program?
- Each program has its calendar and selection procedure. Admission to a Graduate Program does not replace formal admission to a doctoral school or administrative enrollment.
9. How much are the tuition fees?
- Average tuition fees are €391, with an additional €103 for Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC). Cotutelle doctoral program participants may be exempt, as outlined in the cotutelle contract.
10. What is the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC) paid to CROUS?
- This mandatory contribution supports student well-being and is due yearly before enrollment. In the case of a cotutelle, the doctoral student may be exempted from the CVEC according to the terms described in the cotutelle contract signed by all parties.
11. In a cotutelle program, do I pay tuition fees at the partner university?
- Tuition fees are typically paid alternately unless otherwise specified in the cotutelle contract. Administrative enrollment is mandatory every year in both institutions.
12. How to apply for re-enrollment with my doctoral school?
- You must first have completed your thesis committee according to the procedures set by your doctoral school. The re-enrollment authorization is granted by the doctoral school after review by the thesis committee and the thesis supervisor, according to the procedures established by each doctoral school. For more information on your thesis committee, please contact your doctoral school.
You should log in to your ADUM account and submit a re-enrollment request for the "x" year in your personal space. Once your request is approved by the doctoral school, you will receive an email to finalize your process in your ENT space.
13. How to finalize my administrative re-enrollment in the PhD?
14. How can I pay tuition fees in three installments without charge?
- Pay online via ENT with a credit card until mid-October.
15. What if I can't connect to my ENT?
16. What if I can't deposit a document on my ENT or ADUM account during my administrative enrollment?
- Contact: inscriptiondoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
17. How do I get my bilingual school certificate?
- Download it from ADUM or ENT's "My curriculum - My administrative documents" section. New students must collect their European student card at the doctoral school.
18. How to update my AQUIPASS student card after re-enrollment?
- It updates automatically, and the new sticker for the academic year can be collected at your doctoral school.
19. What if my AQUIPASS student card is lost, stolen, or damaged?
- Replacement costs €10. Pay online, and for assistance, contact: inscriptiondoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr. In case of theft, replacement is free with a police report.
20. How to activate my University of Bordeaux email address after enrollment?
21. How to redirect my university email address?
22. Who to contact for problems with my university email address?
- Send a request to idnum@u-bordeaux.fr.
23. After my thesis defense, how long does my institutional email address remain functional? Can I request an extension?
24. If I defend my thesis before December 31, do I have to re-enroll for the new academic year?
- Except in special cases, if you defend your thesis before December 31, no re-enrollment is needed.
25. I change my thesis supervisor or co-supervisor, my thesis subject... How to proceed?
- Complete the form of changes in your ADUM account and submit it to your doctoral school.
26. My personal data has changed. What should I do?
- Report changes to inscriptiondoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr and update in ADUM.
27. How are the data I enter into ADUM processed?
- Your consent is obtained under the GDPR. Data is accessible to administer the PhD, enhance competencies, and track graduates.
28. How do I apply for a transfer?
- Inquire about admission and enrollment requirements at the new university. Contact your doctoral school for the transfer procedure and supervisor's approval.
Expertise missions
All the information is available on the dedicated page of our website.
1. What is an expertise mission?
- Expertise missions are part of the complementary activities that a PhD student under a doctoral contract can accomplish within the limit of a maximum in addition to his/her research activity.
- This mission does not have to be a continuity of the thesis work. Please contact the administrative department of the teaching unit for further information.
Contact : expertisedoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
Find specific information regarding thesis funding on the dedicated pages, and information about funding for mobility and research stays on the following page.
1. How do I find funding for my PhD?
- Before taking any steps, you should identify a teacher-researcher in your field of specialization who would be willing to supervise your research work. You must then identify the corresponding doctoral school and consult the admission criteria and procedures.
- PhD funding can be granted by institutions via doctoral schools (doctoral contracts), through a partnership with another organization (public institutions, research organizations, partner universities, companies, associations, foundations, etc.) or by responding to a call for proposals (Region, ANR, European funding, French government grants, foreign government grants, etc.). Application procedures vary depending on the source of funding and the doctoral school to which the student belongs. In all cases, your potential thesis supervisor must help you with these procedures before the start of your PhD project. More information on: Funding Opportunities
2. I am from a foreign country, what are the financing possibilities to come and do a PhD at the University of Bordeaux?
- In general, funding opportunities are the same for all PhD students (see answer above). However, some calls for proposals may include a nationality criterion. It is therefore advisable to read the application procedures for each call carefully.
- Do not hesitate to consult the Campus France website.
3. I would like to benefit from a doctoral contract, how do I go about it?
- PhD contracts at the University of Bordeaux are awarded through competitions organized by the doctoral schools or through calls for projects organized by the Graduate Research School or the laboratories' own funds. For more information, read the following page.
4. How can I fund my cotutelle doctoral program or my international co-supervision?
- Candidates for a cotutelle doctoral program or international co-supervision are entitled to the same funding as for a "classic" PhD (see question 1). In the particular case of cotutelle PhD programs or international co-supervision, the main remuneration, the funding of the research and the mobility of the PhD student can be taken in charge by one of the two institutions or in a shared way.
- Depending on the country, there may be specific bilateral programs. Do not hesitate to consult the Campus France and embassy websites. It is therefore important to carefully read the application procedures for each call for proposals. In all cases, your potential thesis supervisor must help you with these steps before the start of your PhD project contact the internationalization office.
5. I have a mobility project, does the university offer financial support?
- To fund your mobility, you can contact:
- Your research unit
- The Graduate Research School via: Your affiliated doctoral school. If applicable, your affiliated Graduate Program, or the internationalization office.
- It is also advisable to monitor your project on a regular basis: funding requests are made several months or even a year in advance.
6. In the context of a cotutelle PhD program, does the PhD contract cover the costs related to research in the partner universities (tuition fees, travel expenses, accommodation, etc.)?
- The doctoral contract is an employment contract (it is your salary). It is essential to find out in advance about the amount of the tuition fees in the partner institution and to discuss them with the thesis supervisors.
- Likewise, the costs related to international mobility and the possible reimbursements must be discussed before the project begins with the thesis supervisors and the research units to which they are attached. At the University of Bordeaux, it is also possible for a PhD student to apply for international mobility grants. More information on: Getting Ready and Funding Mobility
7. Can I do an internship?
- No. The internship is not eligible for the preparation of a PhD.
8. How can I do a research stay in another institution?
- The University of Bordeaux and the other institution must sign a hosting agreement. E-Mail contact: contrat-recherche@u-bordeaux.fr
9. Is it possible to do a PhD without funding?
- According to the internal regulations of the affiliated doctoral school.
10. I am not funded for the thesis, can I work?
- This is not a modality recommended by the University of Bordeaux. According to the decree of May 25, 2016. The conditions of resources are studied by the doctoral schools. You must refer to the internal regulations of the affiliated doctoral school.
All the information is available on the dedicated page of our website.
1. Is any institution eligible to establish a cotutelle doctoral program?
- Cotutelle PhD programs can be considered with any foreign teaching and research institution authorized to confer a PhD degree.
2. I want to do a cotutelle PhD program, what should I do?
- The decision for a cotutelle PhD program is primarily made by the thesis supervisor, responsible for the doctoral project. If approved, it must also be feasible in the partner institution. Contact the Project Officer for the Cotutelle PhD Program at the Graduate Research School of the University of Bordeaux for guidance on the procedure.
3. Who takes care of the cotutelle contract?
- The Graduate Research School (GRS) at the University of Bordeaux is responsible for negotiating, validating, and signing cotutelle contracts. The Project Officer will liaise with the counterpart service of the partner institution, along with the affiliated doctoral school, to finalize the cotutelle doctoral program contract.
4. I am going to do a cotutelle doctoral program, when should I enroll at the University of Bordeaux?
- Enrollment in the first year must be simultaneous in both partner institutions. Don't wait for the cotutelle contract signature to finalize your enrollment.
5. In cotutelle doctoral program, do I have to enroll every year or by alternation?
- Enrollment is required every year at both institutions until the thesis defense, following the schedules of each institution. Cotutelle students must adhere to this annual procedure, regardless of cotutelle contract status.
6. In cotutelle doctoral program, what are the rules to organize mobilities?
- Mobilities must be balanced, with the student spending a maximum of half the program in each institution (around 18 months for a three-year PhD). Stay schedules are collaboratively determined by thesis supervisors and the doctoral student.
7. In cotutelle PhD program, do I have to follow the same number of training hours as other doctoral students?
- At the University of Bordeaux, cotutelle students must complete a minimum of 50 hours of training over three years, as per regulations and affiliated doctoral school standards. Among these 50 hours, the "Scientific integrity in research profession" and "Research ethics" courses are compulsory, as is the "Teacher training courses" course if you have a complementary teaching assignment. To find out more.
8. In what situations do I need an amendment to my cotutelle contract?
An amendment is required in cases like the cotutelle contract expiring (Postponed defense date; extension of PhD; extension of employment contract...), a change in thesis supervisor, title, mobility schedule, or research unit. Procedure details are available on the GRS cotutelle service page.
Report to your thesis committee in case of an extension, agreement of the doctoral school, and contact cotutelledoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr before the date of the desired change.
9. I am a cotutelle doctoral student defending at the partner university: what do I have to do on the Bordeaux University side?
- Regardless of the defense location, a cotutelle student must declare the defense in ADUM and seek authorization from the University of Bordeaux according to the procedure and deadlines specified in the cotutelle contract.
10. Does a cotutelle PhD program defense have any specificities?
- Terms and conditions for the defense are outlined in the cotutelle contract. This single defense is recognized by both institutions, each issuing a diploma.
11. What is the difference between a cotutelle PhD program and an international co-supervision?
- In a cotutelle program, the student is enrolled at two institutions for a double degree. In international co-supervision, enrollment occurs at one institution for a single PhD degree.
12. What is the European label?
- The European label acknowledges the European and international dimension of the PhD. More info here.
Teaching services
All the information is available on the dedicated page of our website.
1. How can I teach at the university?
- Depending on your status, you can undertake teaching hours through:
- Temporary teaching assistant (ATV) or temporary lecturer (CEV) positions
- Recruitment as a temporary teaching and research associate (ATER)
- Amendment to your doctoral contract (complementary teaching mission).
- For more information, visit: University of Bordeaux Recruitment
2. What is a teaching assignment?
Any PhD student may, under certain conditions, undertake teaching assignments. Payment for this service is biannual and occurs after the certification of completed service. For more details, visit the specific page.
3. What is a temporary teaching and research associate (ATER)?
- A PhD student in the final year of their thesis or with a doctorate can be recruited as an ATER under specific conditions:
- The thesis supervisor must certify that the PhD student will defend their thesis within one year.
- The doctoral student must agree to take a competitive examination for higher education after completing their PhD.
- Learn more the University of Bordeaux website
4. What is a complementary teaching assignment (MCE)?
- Irrespective of your employer, any doctoral student with a doctoral contract can undertake a complementary teaching mission, limited to 64 hours per year. An amendment to the doctoral contract is necessary, and payment is monthly. A recruitment campaign is proposed annually.
5. I would like to apply for a complementary teaching mission, what should I do?
- Interested PhD students must submit the completed application form to their respective doctoral schools within the specified timeframe.
6. I have applied for an MCE, who will inform me of the answer and the modalities?
- The training component that has selected your application for an MCE will contact you. The dedicated financial unit of the Graduate Research School will also inform you of the recruitment procedures.
7. I have obtained an MCE, how do I proceed?
- If you are a University of Bordeaux employee, the HR administration service for contractual personnel will contact you directly to sign your amendment to the doctoral contract. If you work for an EPST, please contact your main employer's human resources department for information on recruitment procedures.
8. I was not selected for an MCE, how do I proceed?
- MCEs are awarded annually, and renewal from one year to the next is not automatic. You can reapply the following year. Contact the components to learn about the terms, conditions, and recruitment calendar.
9. Can I teach outside the University of Bordeaux?
- Yes, generally. In such cases, it's advisable to inquire about the employment terms with the intended teaching employer. Doctoral students with a doctoral contract should also confirm with their main employer (UB, CNRS, etc.) that they meet the conditions required to teach with a secondary employer, considering regulations concerning multiple jobs.
10. I would like to know when my vacation teaching hours will be paid at the University of Bordeaux?
- Payment for hours is made once the service has been certified and processed by the responsible department. Please contact the administrative department of the teaching unit for further information.
Thesis defense
Thesis defense procedures are explained in the "PhD Student Guide" and on the dedicated page of our website.
1. Who grants authorization for the defense?
- The authorization to present a thesis for defense is given by the President of the university, based on the opinion of the director of the doctoral school and the recommendation of the thesis supervisor. Presence on the day of defense is mandatory, including for cotutelle doctoral programs.
2. How long can I defend without re-enrolling?
- The deadline for a thesis defense for the current year without administrative re-enrollment is December 31. After this date, re-enrollment becomes mandatory.
3. How do I declare my defense?
- Complete this procedure in ADUM collaboratively with your thesis supervisor two months before the planned date.
4. Before my defense, what is the manuscript submission deadline?
- Submit your manuscript on ADUM at least 6 weeks before the defense date for review by the committee and jury members. For more details, visit the dedicated page.
5. Before my defense, how can I change my submitted manuscript on ADUM?
- You can no longer modify your manuscript yourself. Contact your defense administrator (assigned once your jury is validated on ADUM) for any changes.
6. Who can assist in finding a room for my defense?
- Contact your research unit; they will assist in booking a room.
7. After my defense, what is the manuscript submission deadline?
- Submit duly signed original documents to your defense administrative within 8 days. If no corrections are requested, you have one month to submit the final manuscript. If corrections are requested, you have a 3-month period.
8. After my defense, how can I change my submitted manuscript on ADUM?
- Connect to your personal ADUM space, go to the "Procedures" section, and click on "Save the final versions of your thesis."
9. What are the standards for thesis writing?
- Follow the style sheet of your choice. In your personal ADUM space, download the document "Recommendations for writing a digital thesis" for all necessary information.
10. Are publications mandatory for defense?
- Not for all schools. Directly contact your doctoral school for information.
11. Can I write my thesis in a foreign language?
- In France, a thesis must be in French. If writing in another language is necessary, submit a request to the director of the doctoral school. If authorized, include a substantial summary in French. For cotutelle programs, refer to the detailed procedures in the cotutelle contract.
12. Where can I find information on the composition of my jury?
- Rules are defined by the May 25, 2016 decree, available in your personal ADUM space. Specifics may be in the internal regulations of the doctoral school. For co-supervision, consult the rules in your co-supervision contract.
13. Can video conferencing be used for a defense if some jury members can't attend?
- Total or partial videoconferencing is possible since October 27, 2020, under the terms defined in the framework note.
14. What should I do if one of my jury members is absent?
- Your thesis supervisor must contact the defense administrator to ensure jury conformity in the absence of a member.
15. What digital tools can be used for videoconferencing?
- Various tools align with the University of Bordeaux's information system policy.
16. Where and how can I print my manuscript?
- Contact the central printing service of the university. Find all the information on the university's institutional website or through the contact email of the printing service.
17. Whats is the difference between thesis embargo and confidentiality of a thesis?
- Embargo and confidentiality are closely related notions in the context of the dissemination of a thesis, as they relate to the restriction of the manuscript's availability. However, embargo must be distinguished from confidentiality.
- Embargo corresponds to a delay in the publication of the manuscript and is a matter of copyright. At the request of the author, the university will delay the publication of the manuscript until a specific date. Requiring an embargo therefore means setting a date from which the manuscript can be available on the Internet. However, before the end of the embargo period, the manuscript will only be made available to the French academic community upon identification.
- Confidentiality protects the manuscript. It is subject to approval by the university. The request is made by the author, thesis supervisor or partner(s), and the defense must be held in camera. As with the embargo, requiring confidentiality for a thesis means setting a date from which the manuscript can be available on the Internet. However, in the meantime, it will not be available (even to the academic community) and will be stored on a secure server until the end of the confidentiality period.
18. How long can an embargo last?
A thesis can be embargoed for up to 5 years.
19. How long can the confidentiality period of a thesis last?
Confidentiality period can last for up to 25 years.
All the information is available on the dedicated page of our website.
1. What is the training plan?
- The training plan encompasses the skills you aim to acquire or develop to successfully carry out your doctoral research and in the context of your future career.
2. How do I build my training plan?
- Construct it based on your skills assessment and the objectives of the courses offered in the training catalog (transversal, disciplinary) or beyond the catalog.
3. With whom should I build my training plan?
- Collaborate with your Thesis Supervisor, your employer if you are employed, and with the support of the doctoral school. It is a flexible plan, subject to revision annually.
4. Are some courses mandatory?
- "Scientific Integrity in Research Professions" and "Research Ethics" courses (online, FUN platform) are mandatory from the first year. "University Pedagogy" is mandatory for any PhD candidate with a complementary teaching mission. The three modules of the "Prepare for the 'My Thesis in 180s' Contest" are mandatory for candidates in the contest.
5. How many training hours should I attend?
- PhD students at the University of Bordeaux must undergo a minimum of 100 hours of training during their PhD, choosing from available courses according to internal regulations and the reference framework of each doctoral school. In the case of a cotutelle or CIFRE thesis, at least 50 hours are mandatory, following the regulations of the affiliated doctoral school.
6. I participate in contests or events, is there recognition of the number of hours?
- Recognition depends on your doctoral school. If applicable, the credited hours are determined by the affiliated doctoral school according to the applicable reference framework.
7. I am abroad, do I need to attend training?
- In the framework of a cotutelle, at least 50 hours of training are mandatory, including "Scientific Integrity in Research Professions" and "Research Ethics," and, if on a teaching mission, "University Pedagogy." Outside cotutelle, all PhD students must attend a minimum of 100 hours of training regardless of location.
8. I am employed outside the University of Bordeaux, do I need to attend training?
- Yes, depending on your employment situation and contract, the volume is defined by the doctoral school. Participation requires approval from both the company and the PhD supervisor. Refer to the reference framework established by your doctoral school for more information.
8. Je suis salarié.e hors de l’université de Bordeaux, dois-je suivre des formations ?
- Oui, en fonction de votre situation de salarié.e et de votre contrat, le volume est défini par l’école doctorale. La participation est soumise à l’accord de l’entreprise et de la direction de thèse. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le référentiel mis en place par votre école doctorale.
9. How do I enroll in a course? (Within the offerings of the Graduate Program or your doctoral school)
- Directly through ADUM in your personal space, under Training > Catalog, or on the dedicated page. For MOOCs, register on the platform (FUN, etc.), and after completion, upload the certificate in your ADUM/personal space/training/non-catalog for acknowledgment.
10. When will I receive a response to my course enrollment on ADUM?
- For courses, the response time is one week after pre-registration. Your Thesis Supervisor must validate your enrollment in ADUM beforehand. If you don't receive a response within the timeframe, check with them or contact formationdoctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
11. Who validates my training hours offered by the Graduate Program of the University of Bordeaux?
- If the program is completed, and you have filled out the evaluation, the total hours are automatically validated by the doctoral office's professionalization bureau.
12. Who validates training hours attended outside the offerings of the doctoral school, Graduate Program, or the Graduate School?
- These "off-catalog" training hours require validation (with documentation) within the 100 hours with your affiliated doctoral school, according to their reference framework. Submit certificates and corresponding program descriptions in your ADUM/personal space/non-catalog training section. Your doctoral school will review your request and determine the credited hours.
13. How much time do I have to validate my courses?
- Throughout the duration of your PhD and before your thesis defense.
14. Do you offer English courses?
- The Graduate Program offers English conversation workshops at three proficiency levels.
15. Do you offer courses in English?
- Yes, several. When a course is delivered in English, it is indicated in the program.
16. Where can I find the different training catalogs?
- You can consult the complete catalog of courses on the Training Offer page.
17. Am I required to attend courses to defend my thesis?
- A minimum of 100 hours of training is required, including "Scientific Integrity in Research Professions" and "Research Ethics" (online, FUN platform). For additional information, please contact your doctoral school.
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