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Training validation

Dernière mise à jour :

At the University of Bordeaux, PhD students must complete a minimum of 100 hours of training in line with their training plan prior to their thesis defense. This training is validated by their doctoral school in accordance with the scoring criteria and recommendations of their reference system.

Validating your training hours:

The doctoral schools monitor and validate the training hours completed by their PhD students. These 100 hours of training can be selected from the doctoral training catalogue via ADUM, or from the range of courses offered by other institutions, provided you have your thesis supervisor's approval.

To be validated, these "non-catalogue" training hours provided by other institutions, must be submitted to your doctoral school for validation (with proof of attendance).

Information.pngIf you are under cotutelle, you must complete at least 50 hours of training at the University of Bordeaux. In excess of these 50 hours, the courses taken at the partner university can be validated in full or in part, subject to the agreement of the director of the doctoral school.

Compulsory training

  • The online courses "Scientific Integrity in the Research Professions" (15 hours) and "Research Ethics" (12 hours) for all PhD students enrolled at the University of Bordeaux, before the end of the 1st year of your PhD
  • The course « Enseigner à l’université » for PhD students who have additional teaching activities (common course of 12 hours and optional courses of 6 hours) from the 1st year of the teaching activities
  • The preparatory training for the "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" (MT 180) contest for all PhD students who are candidates in the contest.

All other training courses, listed on ADUM or "non-catalogue" are optional: you can choose the modules best suited to your training plan and career objectives, meeting the expectations of your doctoral school.

Information.pngImportant: the hours of a course offered in the catalog and attended are validated via ADUM once you complete the satisfaction questionnaire sent by the university.

For more information, see your doctoral school's training guidelines.

If you have any questions about the validation of a course you attended or coming soon, please contact your doctoral school.

Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Law

Dernière mise à jour :

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Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Economic Sciences, Management & Demographics

Dernière mise à jour :

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Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Mathematics & Computer Science

Dernière mise à jour :

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Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Science & Environment

Dernière mise à jour :

Télécharger (PDF - 153.69 KB)

Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Society, Politics & Public Health

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Télécharger (PDF - 134.79 KB)

Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Health & Life Sciences

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Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences

Dernière mise à jour :

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Training guidelines for the Doctoral School of Physics & Engineering

Dernière mise à jour :

Télécharger (PDF - 174.61 KB)