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Dernière mise à jour :

The Numerics Graduate Program trains future experts in the analysis of complex digital systems, Big Data and other technologically innovative services.

The rise in the number of mobile devices, smart cities, precision medicine and many other technological innovations is driven by the increasing use of complex digital systems and big data. Analysing and understanding the needs of new services requires broad cultural knowledge and various scientific skills. 
The Numerics Graduate Program focuses on mathematics, computer sciences and engineering sciences but also human and social sciences to train future experts in the analysis of complex digital systems, Big Data and other technologically innovative services. It is supported by the Plan Investissement d'Avenir or Investment for the Future Program (project: Graduate School for junior researchers at the University of Bordeaux / UB GRS, reference 20-SFRI-0001).

The Program

During your studies within the Numerics Graduate Program, you will be able to design a tailor-made curriculum with interdisciplinary projects that blend academic fields and diplomas, combining the 2 years of the Master's degree and the PhD.

All students enrolled in the program must attend:

  • A themed week of their choice between the two proposed weeks
  • Around 10 weekly seminars

The program offers students a wide range of opportunities within innovative businesses, R&D teams in large companies, and in industrial and academic research.

Some key figures

  • 2 teaching units
  • 20 PhD students
  • 121 alumni
  • 4 research units (LaBRI, I2M, IMB and IMS)

Innovation_Idee.pngWhy join the Numerics program?

  • Selective, international, interdisciplinary training (mathematics, computer science, electronics and engineering) that prepares students for careers in digital technology within the framework of research and innovation;
  • Acquire broad scientific knowledge of data science, complex systems, artificial intelligence and societal issues;
  • Access to research platforms (parallel computing and massive data, robotics, drones, etc.);
  • Funding for laboratory internships in Bordeaux and abroad with mobility funding assistance;
  • Contact with innovative companies and partner laboratories;
  • Specific individualised support for students throughout the Numerics program.

Joining the program at Master's level

The Numerics Graduate Program is currently a teaching unit. It is designed to be accessible to all motivated students enrolled at the University of Bordeaux or at Enseirb-Matmeca, with skills in one of the fields of digital science: mathematics, computer science or engineering sciences. Courses are for the vast majority taught in English.

To apply:

Interested students must send their application to gp-numerics@u-bordeaux.fr and their Master's program coordinator, with the following documents:

  • A statement of motivation
  • A reference teacher's contact details (teacher chosen by the student)
  • The themed week(s) the student is interested in

Students will receive a reply mid-June.

All candidates agree to diligently attend the course in which they have been accepted. Accepted students who decide not to continue with the teaching unit must inform the course coordinators by e-mail at the address given above.

Joining the program at PhD level

Are you enrolled in a PhD with the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science or the Doctoral School of Physics and Engineering? The "Numerics cohort" welcomes you and the program's Master's students, with the aim of strengthening ties between junior researchers and the rest of the scientific community in computer sciences.

  • to join the cohortinformation coming soon

2Chapeaux_Etudiants.png The program provides the members of the cohort with specific doctoral training, which is the same for each Master's program:

  • A themed week of their choice between the two weeks proposed
  • Around ten weekly seminars

Enroll via ADUM to validate your training hours.

Globe.png Thinking about a mobility project, but need financial assistance?

If your project does not meet the requirements of other international mobility funding options, you can apply for support from the program in order to attend a conference, carry out research, attend a training course or summer school, or any other occasional event abroad.

  • contact us for more information on how we can support occasional international mobility projects


PhD Positions

You are willing to apply for a PhD in Bordeaux? Take a look at the dedicated page "How to apply for a PhD"!

Funding for a doctoral contract for a PhD position can be obtained within the framework of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science or the Doctoral School of Physics and Engineering's selection process.

Apply for a PhD

Contact us


    Project officer


  • Nicolas Hanusse

    Program director


  • Jean Marc Couveignes

    Head of studies
