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How to re-enroll

Dernière mise à jour :

You must renew your enrollment in a doctoral school every year, at the start of the academic year. Below, you will find all the steps to re-enroll from the 2nd year onwards.

Registration fees

  • 2024-2025 registration fees: €391
  • Student Life and Campus Contribution (Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus, CVEC): €103. This contribution is collected by the CROUS and it is compulsory for your enrollment at the university.

For more information about the CVEC and how it is used, see the 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 reports on actions financed by the CVEC at the University of Bordeaux.

Find out about the cases of exemption from registration fees and/or CVEC on the dedicated page.

International cotutelle doctoral program: only PhD students with a cotutelle contract duly signed by all parties concerned and stipulating that they must pay the registration fees of the partner institution for the year in question, are exempt from paying fees to the University of Bordeaux and the CVEC.

How to re-enroll


You must renew your enrollment at the start of each academic year (Art. D612-2 and D612-4 of the French Education Code / Decree of 25 May 2016).

Re-enrollment period for the 2024/2025 academic year: August 26th to October 11th

If you are defending a thesis, you must pay the CVEC to the CROUS and the registration fees before declaring your jury.

In 3rd year or beyond?

Exceptional re-enrollment procedure

By way of exception, annual extensions may be granted by the Président of the University, upon a proposal from the thesis director, after receiving the opinion of the monitoring committee and the doctoral school board of directors, and on the basis of a reasoned request from the doctoral student.

If you are a 3rd year PhD student (or beyond), you can defend your thesis until December the 31st of the current year without reenrollment.

If you are defending after December the 31st of the current year or if you have additional funding requiring a new contract or amendment, you are required to reenroll for the following academic year.

Information.pngRemember that your defence should be declared and finalised on ADUM at least 8 weeks before the date of the defence, taking into account periods when the university is closed, which are not taken into account when calculating the defence timetable.

In all the cases presented below requiring reenrollment, the thesis committee report is mandatory and must be submitted on ADUM by June the 30th of the current year at the latest.

Depending on the internal regulations of your doctoral school, the procedure for applying for exceptional reenrollment may be different. Please see below for the conditions specific to your doctoral school.


Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science

For an exceptional reenrollment in 4th year

Submit the application dossier via email to the doctoral school before June 12th, 2024.
The application must include:

  • Letter of support from the thesis supervisor explaining the need for an exception and a tentative defense date.
  • Information on the planned funding arrangements (Teaching Assistant, engineer, etc.).
  • If there is no funding, provide the current status of the thesis document.

In the 5th year, if  there is no funding, reenrollment is conditional upon the presentation of the near-final thesis manuscript.

For other cases, please contact the doctoral school as soon as possible.

The Doctoral School Council on June 17th, 2024, will review the requests for exceptions for the academic year 2024-2025.

Doctoral School of Sciences and environments

For an exceptional re-enrollment in 4th year

1. Submission of a file on ADUM, no later than September 16, 2024

This application for re-enrollment, in the form of a single PDF file, must include :

  • a letter from you explaining the reasons for your request for re-enrollment,
  • the report from the individual 3rd-year thesis committee suggesting a timetable for end of the thesis and a provisional date of the defense
  • a letter from the thesis director confirming the timetable for the end of the thesis, a provisional date of the defense and indicating whether funding (even partial) is planned for the remaining months of the thesis.

 2. Update your ADUM profile yourself, from your “Personal space”:

  • training courses attended (with certificates of attendance and hourly rates)
  • publications and oral or poster presentations at conferences
  • additional assignments (teaching or other)

After authorization by the doctoral school, you will receive an automatic e-mail indicating the formalities to be completed in order to finalize your administrative re-enrollment, imperatively before October the 11th, 2024, the deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year.

In the 5th year (excluding part-time salaried doctoral students) :  re-enrollment is conditional upon the presentation of the near-final thesis manuscript.

For other cases, please contact the doctoral school as soon as possible.

Doctoral School of Physics and Engineering

For an exceptional reenrollment in 4th or more

An extension of the thesis period may be requested from the director of the Doctoral School, after justification from the thesis supervisor, including a precise timetable for the end of the thesis. An interview with the thesis committee for the thesis must also be carried out before June the 30th of every year.

Re-enrollment is dependent upon approval from the thesis committee and upon the availability of funding for a period lasting until the end of the thesis for an amount determined in proportion to the time to be spent in the laboratory. If the above-mentioned conditions cannot be met, the doctoral student can not be re-enrolled.

In exceptional circumstances, reenrollment may be examined outside of this calendar, on condition that a thesis manuscript is presented that has been approved by the thesis director

For more information, please contact the doctoral school.

Doctoral School of Chemical sciences

For an exceptional reenrollment in 4th year

Submit the application dossier via email to the doctoral school before June 12th, 2024.
The application must include:

  • Letter of support from the thesis supervisor explaining the need for an exception and a tentative defense date.
  • Information on the planned funding arrangements (Teaching Assistant, engineer, etc.).
  • If there is no funding, provide the current status of the thesis document.

In the 5th year, if  there is no funding, reenrollment is conditional upon the presentation of the near-final thesis manuscript.

For other cases, please contact the doctoral school as soon as possible.

The Doctoral School Council on June 17th, 2024, will review the requests for exceptions for the academic year 2024-2025.

Doctoral School of Economic Sciences, Management and Demographics

For an exceptional reenrollment in 7th year

The application should be sent by e-mail to the doctoral school (with a copy to the thesis director) before the beginning of September.

The application must include

  • a favourable opinion from the monitoring committee
  • the state of progress of the manuscript
  • the provisional timetable up to the defence.

Applications for re-registration in Year 7 are examined by the Doctoral School Board at the start of the academic year.

Doctoral School of Law

Derogatory extensions beyond the 6th year

Once the request for derogatory re-enrollment has been made, the opinion issued by the doctoral school's office takes into account :

  • the teaching load assumed by the doctoral student since his/her first registration (additional teaching assignments, supervised work under other statutes),
  • the doctoral student's involvement in the workings of the university's departments,
  • their research activities carried out within the framework of their research unit or for other research organisations.

It also takes into account the family situation and any personal or family difficulties encountered since the initial registration.

Requests for exceptional reenrollment must be adressed by email to the doctoral school director, and must be accompanied by a report on the latest progress on the manuscript, validated by the thesis director, and demonstration, for instance, that the thesis has been at least half written and will be defended within the academic year (first exception), or, for a second exception, that the thesis has been written in full and that the defence of the thesis has been scheduled for the first semester of the coming academic year.

Requests based on exceptional circumstances may be considered after examination by the doctoral school board of directors.

Step 1: Requesting re-enrollment on ADUM

You must update your information and request your re-enrollment via your ADUM account.

The information will be automatically forwarded to your thesis supervisor and doctoral school for an opinion.

Information.pngFrom the 3rd year onwards, renewal is approved by the director of the doctoral school, after receiving the opinion of your thesis supervisor and the individual thesis committee (art. 14 Decree of 25 May 2016).

After the doctoral school has authorised your re-enrollment, you will receive an e-mail informing you of the next steps.

Step 2: Paying the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC)

Payment of this fee is compulsory.

You must go to the CVEC government website to pay the fee and get proof of payment. The reference number of this proof of payment will be required to continue your enrollment.

Click here for information on the cases of exemption from the CVEC.

Step 3: Finalising your re-enrollment

You must finalise the procedure following the steps below:

  • Check the information provided and pay the registration fees via the dedicated link.

Important: you must use your student number as your username.

Payment in 3 instalments is possible up to mid-October each year. Payment must be made after you have checked the information provided.

Once these steps have been completed and verified by the Admissions Office, you will receive an e-mail confirming your enrollment.

Step 4: Certificate of enrollment and student card

You can download your certificate of enrollment:

  • via ADUM (in French and in English, section "Administrative documents" / "Education")
  • via the ENT (in French only), section "My studies" / "My administrative file")

You will keep your student card, only the sticker displaying the academic year will be changed by your doctoral school.


To request a new student card, please follow this procedure before going to the Admissions Office.

You will be charged €10 for a new card, except in the following cases:

  • if the card is not working properly
  • if the card was stolen and you have filed a complaint (you must provide proof to the Admissions Office) 


Social Security

French PhD students: if you are employed, you must register with the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie or Primary Health Insurance Fund).
For more information according to your status, visit the health insurance website.

International PhD students: contact the Welcome Centre for International Researchers (BACI) at the following address: accueil.chercheurs@u-bordeaux.fr

Civil liability

It is strongly recommended that you take out additional personal insurance including civil liability which will cover any damage you may cause to others.
It is your responsibility to take out an insurance policy with an insurance company of your choice.

Request a leave of absence

What is it?

A leave of absence consists of suspending your PhD studies for one term or one academic year at the most in order to gain personal or professional experience, in France or abroad, by oneself or under the supervision of a host institution.

This request can only be made once during your PhD studies and the time spent away does not count towards your registration period.

Why take one?

You can use your leave of absence to carry out various types of projects, which must be unrelated to your research project.

Each project is assessed on a case-by-case basis:

Who can apply?

To apply for a leave of absence, you must be enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Bordeaux.

You can apply:

  • in the 2nd year for full-time PhD students
  • between the 2nd and 5th year for part-time PhD students

Upon their return, PhD students are automatically re-enrolled in the doctoral program in which they were enrolled before their leave of absence.

How and when can you apply?

By filling out an application form, addressed to your doctoral school, within the indicated time frame.

Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis by a committee set up by the Graduate Research School, taking into account the quality and coherence of the project.
The more carefully conceived and structured the project is, and the more clearly it sets out your objectives, the more likely it is to be accepted.

The results are announced at the end of the committee meeting. In the event of a refusal, an appeal can be lodged. It will be examined by a multidisciplinary committee within the university.

Before taking their leave of absence, the PhD student must sign an academic contract with the Graduate Research School that includes the respective commitments of both parties.

What is your status during your leave of absence?

You are enrolled at the University of Bordeaux, you remain a student throughout your leave of absence.

You must pay a reduced registration fee and the Student Life and Campus Contribution (€100).

As far as health insurance is concerned, you should contact your health insurance branch office to get the necessary information about your status and the maintenance of your coverage.

What happens when you return?

Before leaving, the PhD student signed an academic contract with the University of Bordeaux in which the university committed to letting them re-enroll in the same program they were in before their departure.

As the re-enrollment procedure is not automatic, the PhD student must contact their doctoral school at the beginning of the academic year.

For full details, visit the dedicated page on the University website.




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