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The SiTH (Science and Technology for Health) Graduate Program provides in-depth research-oriented training in healthcare related innovations: bio-imaging, molecules and nanoscience for health, regenerative medicine and translational medicine.

The Program

Research in the fields of health sciences and technology is booming, with the development of new technologies and devices based on well-established pure science.

The SiTH program provides an in-depth research-oriented study in the field of healthcare-related innovations. The program trains junior researchers in the study of patients, as well as biology and medicine, covering everything from the composition of tissues and cells to the study of molecules. The courses are in English and/or French.

Some key figures

  • 2 teaching units
  • 12+ research units: IECB, CNRS, INSERM, University Hospitals (IHU LIRYC, Bordeaux University Hospital Centre), Bordeaux INP and research laboratories (ARNA, BioTis, IECB, CBMN, etc.)

Innovation_Idee.pngWhy choose the SiTH Graduate Program?

  • The SiTH program brings together people in medical professions and applied research, drawing on a multidisciplinary network of experts: doctors, chemists, pharmacologists, biologists, physicians;
  • The topics studied in this Graduate Program provide a wide range of future career prospects related to the development of innovative healthcare technologies. Students are encouraged to address the major medical issues of today and the future;
  • Events are organised to further explore the program's topics: seminars, summer or winter schools;
  • The program works closely with learned societies: French Crystallography Association and the French Biophysical Society.

Joining the program at Master's level

  • Be regularly enrolled in Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux.

Joining the program at PhD level

The SiTH Graduate Program PhD provides mobility funding options, personalised training related to the academic field, as well as financial and participatory support for regular events in the field of health sciences and technology.


Are you enrolled in a PhD in the Doctoral School of Chemistry or Health and Life Sciences? The "SiTH cohort" welcomes you and the program's Master's students, with the aim of strengthening ties between junior researchers and the rest of the scientific community.

to join the SiTH cohort: : all you need is to be enrolled in a PhD at the University of Bordeaux and make sure that the topic of your thesis is directly related to the field of sciences and technologies for health.

You are  working on a subject related to the field of health sciences and technologies for health? Get in touch with us! We will send you the application form and the SiTH doctoral student charter. After review and approval by the program's steering committee, you'll join the cohort!

2Chapeaux_Etudiants.png The program provides the members of the cohort with specific doctoral training based on their needs.

Enroll via ADUM to validate your training hours.

Globe.png Thinking about a mobility project, but need financial assistance?

If your project does not meet the requirements of other international mobility funding options, you can apply for support from the program in order to attend a conference, carry out research, attend a training course or summer school, or any other occasional event abroad.

  • contact us for more information on how we can support occasional international mobility projects

PhD Positions

You are willing to apply for a PhD in Bordeaux? Take a look at the dedicated page "How to apply for a PhD"!

Funding for a PhD position in Science and Technologies for Health can be obtained following the Doctoral School of Health and Life Sciences and the Doctoral School of Chemistry's calls for applications.

Apply for a PhD

Contact us

  • Zoé HENRY

    Project officer


  • Philippe BARTHELEMY

    Program director


  • Gilmar SALGADO

    Deputy director



    Deputy director
