Acknowledged as a significant asset in the industrial sector of Engineering Sciences, a PhD is often undervalued in small enterprises, local governments, and state services. This discrepancy, especially pronounced in Letters and Social Sciences (LSSH), will be at the heart of discussions during this half-day event.
The presentations will include positive experiences, illustrating how a PhD has been an asset in various professional contexts for all concerned. An interactive demonstration will showcase an innovative tool, facilitating the identification of pools of doctoral candidates in each discipline and fostering direct connections with potential employers. Developed considering thematic richness and transversality, this tool aims to bridge the gap between doctoral candidates and professional opportunities.
The day concludes with a roundtable, providing the audience with the opportunity to engage in dialogue with employers, PhD promotion agencies, and members of the academic community. This exchange of ideas aims to enhance understanding of current challenges and foster increased collaboration between the academic and professional sectors.
This half-day aligns with a constructive approach, seeking to enhance the recognition of a PhD in diverse sectors and strengthen ties between doctoral candidates and the job market.
Find the program below
2:00 PM - Opening of the Half-Day
- Welcome address by Monsieur Laurent CHAMPANEY, General Director of l’ENSAM
- Brief introduction by the organizers of the half-day (Rémi MOUNIER, Marc TAILLEFER, Eric ARQUIS, Collège des Sociétés Savantes académiques)
2:20 PM - Short Presentations by Participants (context, observations, challenges, and solutions)
- Mr. Pascal GIAT (Director of the Service CIFRE, ANRT)
- Mrs. Emmanuelle GOUILLART (Scientific Director at Saint-Gobain Research Paris, Aubervilliers)
- Mr. Michael PARMENTIER (Associate Director S&T, Novartis Campus, Basel, CH)
- Mrs. Anne BATIONO (Haute école Pédagogique, Lausanne)
- Representative of AxLR, la société d’accélération de transfert technologique (SATT) Occitanie méditerranée
- Mr. Alain BAMBERGER (Président, Réseau National des Ecoles Doctorales Sciences Pour l‘ingénieur): Presentation of an interactive tool for the identification of doctoral competencies and connecting with potential employers
3:30 PM - Coffee Break
4:00 PM - Roundtable with Participants, Audience Interaction (moderated by Rémi MOUNIER)
5:00 PM - Conclusion of the Day