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Bottled mineral water and Law: read the article written by Brice Hauquin, a PhD student in Law

Brice Hauquin, a PhD student in Law at the University of Bordeaux, published an article in The Conversation France in which he analyses the topic of bottled mineral water through the prism of Law.

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Bottled mineral water through the prism of Law

In the Conversation France, Brice Hauquin, a PhD student in Law at the University of Bordeaux, analyses the topic of bottled mineral water through the prism of Law. Several brands selling bottled mineral water have been at the center of controversies over unauthorized treatments.

In this article entitled "Vendre de l’eau minérale en bouteille, n’est-ce être qu’un marchand de plastique ?"*, Brice tackles a broader issue: do brands truly sell water, or do they merely sell plastic bottles? To clarify this question, Brice details several interrelated elements.


*"Selling bottled mineral water: is it just about selling plastic bottles?"