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Participate in the next PubhD!

PubhD is a public event that is regularly organized in about 20 European cities.

La Tencha 22 Quai de la Monnaie, 33800 Bordeaux

The PubhD association organizes its next event on December 11, at 8 p.m (talks will be in English)! During each PubhD, 3 PhD students from different disciplines - the speakers - present their thesis topic in a pub, in 10 minutes maximum.

  • Meera Chandra: Does neuro-inflammation lead to higher chances of developing Autism?
  • Andrea Gaspari: Can we make a brain out of pendula?
  • Ariane Reif: It's getting hot in here! But is it? Thermal Transport in phase changing VO2.

Their mission? To be understandable by the general public, including non-academics, without powerpoint or jargon, just a whiteboard.

The association also needs future speakers! If you are interested in presenting your thesis to the general public, don't hesitate to contact PubhD Bordeaux. Next events will take place on January 15 and February 5.

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume with moderation.

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