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Phd defense on 27-03-2025

1 PhD defense from ED Droit - 1 PhD defense from ED Sciences Physiques et de l'Ingénieur

Université de Bordeaux

ED Droit

  • Performance difficulties of maritime carriage and chartering contracts


    The defense will take place at 14h00 - Salle des thèses Université de Bordeaux - Campus Montesquieu Salle des thèses - Bât C1 Avenue Léon Duguit 33608 Pessac

    in front of the jury composed of

    • Gaël PIETTE - Professeur - Université de Bordeaux - Directeur de these
    • Christophe LACHIÈZE - Professeur - Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis - Rapporteur
    • Arnaud MONTAS - Professeur - Université de Bretagne Occidentale - Rapporteur
    • Sandrine CHAILLé DE NéRé - Professeure - Université de Bordeaux - Examinateur


    The performance of maritime carriage and chartering contracts may not take place as desired by the contracting parties. The notion of difficulties in the performance of maritime contracts reflects the diversity of impediments or obstacles that the contracting parties may face in carrying out each of the operations falling within the scope of the contracts in question. This study proposes a dynamic analysis of the environment of maritime transport and chartering contracts, highlighting the causes, manifestations and consequences of difficulties in the performance of such contracts on the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, in a concrete correlation with space and time, persons and goods, legislation and case law, and doctrine. This study shows that difficulties in performance have, depending on the circumstances, a significant influence on the rights and obligations of the contracting parties. Indeed, the legal effects of difficulties in the performance of maritime transport and chartering contracts are multifaceted and generally undesirable. In the event of difficulties in performance, certain obligations are extinguished, while others are created or modified. To manage these performance difficulties in the best interests of the parties, it is necessary to view them as risks. With this in mind, the study emphasizes the need to anticipate difficulties in the performance of maritime contracts, including both prevention and insurance protection, before going on to elucidate the inevitable treatment of these difficulties, with the analysis focusing on the fate of the contracts in question, on the one hand, and on the fate of liabilities, on the other.

ED Sciences Physiques et de l'Ingénieur

  • Interplay between photonics, magentism and superconductivity: towards single spin control with an Abrikosov vortex.

    by Malo BEZARD (Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique & Nanosciences)

    The defense will take place at 9h00 - Amphitéâtre André Ducasse Laboratoire LP2N, Institut d'optique d'Aquitaine 1 rue François Mitterand 33400 Talence

    in front of the jury composed of

    • Philippe TAMARAT - Professeur des universités - Université de Bordeaux - Directeur de these
    • Alexandre BOUZDINE - Professeur des universités - Université de Bordeaux - CoDirecteur de these
    • Isabelle ROBERT-PHILIP - Directeur de recherche - Université de Montpellier - Examinateur
    • Klaus HASSELBACH - Directeur de recherche - Institut Néel - Examinateur
    • Hermann SUDEROW - Associate Professor - Université Autonome de Madrid - Rapporteur
    • Jean-François ROCH - Professeur des universités - Ecole Normale Supérieure - Rapporteur


    Abrikosov vortices are the most compact magnetic objects in superconductors, with a size of a few tens to a few hundreds of nanometers. These flux tubes, which penetrate type II superconductors (such as Niobium), carry a quantum of flux h/2e and provide a natural basis for building digital electronics with robust, non-volatile operation, as well as developing compatible cryogenic memories. Nevertheless, in an era of globalized information distribution, it seems appropriate to envisage systems capable of interfacing superconducting electronics with optically accessible registers. Our group having recently demonstrated the ability to manipulate single flux quanta with a laser beam, as simply as with optical tweezers, this thesis aims at exploring the interplay between an optically manipulated individual Abrikosov vortex and a single sold-state spin present in a quantum nano-emitter such as a color center in diamond. Using fluorescence microscopy techniques at cryogenic temperatures, we study the photophysical properties of single defect centers in diamond such as the Silicon-Vacancy or Nitrogen-Vacancy center and develop non-invasive superconducting electronics photonic probing tools. For individual Silicon-Vacancy centers hosted in nanosized diamonds, we unravel that a large proportion of centers show giant blue Lamb-shifts of their emission lines, owing to enhanced vacuum field interactions in such confined dielectric nanostructures. A phonon-bottleneck effect is additionally evidenced in these systems, supporting that phonon-mediated spin-relaxation between the ground state orbital branches should vanish in nanometric-sized nanodiamonds, thus allowing extended spin coherence lifetimes without resorting to ultra-low temperatures for spin coherent manipulations. Concerning superconductors, we first address the fundamental optical limitations of vortex magneto-optical imaging by coupling the indicator on its substrate to a high-index solid immersion lens. Using the Weierstrass geometry, we achieve magneto-optical imaging of single vortices with apparent diameters less than 600 nm. Second, we develop an easy-to-implement minimally invasive photonic technique allowing for accurate and treatment-free analysis of Josephson transport properties and demonstrate fast and accurate determination of the Josephson critical current in single planar junction systems. We extend this approach to Josephson supercurrents imaging, providing representation of Josephson vortex states in such systems, with ~450 nm precision. Lastly, preliminary results on probing Abrikosov vortices in Niobium with single Nitrogen-Vacancy centers are discussed in view of designing a photonic-superconductor interface.