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Webinar FULBRIGHT - PhD Research grants in the USA

Are you interested in a research stay in the USA in 2025? Find out more about the FULBRIGHT scholarships program during a webinar dedicated to PhD students from the University of Bordeaux!


Representatives from the commission and 2 alumni from the University of Bordeaux will be there to answer any questions you may have in anticipation of the next call for applications (next September).

Since 2018, the Franco-American FULBRIGHT Commission and the University of Bordeaux have signed an agreement creating research grants for French nationals PhD students wishing to spend some time in an American university or research institute.

Each year, these 4 to 12 months scholarships enable French PhD students to carry out part of their research in prestigious American institutions. Next year, it could be you!

We look forward to seeing you on June 24, from 12pm to 2pm:

Zoom Link

ID de réunion: 862 0706 2708
Code secret: 213582

Logo bleu FR Fulbright France 2024_transparent.png

Contact: internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr